An autobiographical play with music, singing and dancing centered around mental wellness.

A SHOW about forgiveness.

“For all my performances, instead of roses,mom would give me sunflowers because SHE SAID I was her sun.”

A mother & daughter’s deep love story filled with shame, forgiveness and the final act of giving back.

Cheryl-Sam Whitehead-Berry

(2/23/46 - 1/8/2013)

IN MY OWN LITTLE CORNER shares the lives of mother-daughter, Cheryl & Chryssie Whitehead and seeks to normalize conversations around mental health, so healing can happen. Through song, dance, and memoir, veteran stage and screen actress, Chryssie Whitehead (Broadway’s Chicago, A CHORUS LINE and West Side Story film) becomes a detective of her own mind to unravel her mental health diagnosis at age 38. This riveting and heartfelt journey through family secrets, societal stigma and personal rediscovery finds something relatable for any audience member across the ages. After each performance, Chryssie will open conversation with the audience in a safe and affirming space along with a licensed mental health professional.

IMOLC has just completed its first tour, having shared our story with eight theaters across the country in 2023 - 2024! Next, we are filming our show to hopefully sell to streaming services March 16, 2024 in New York City at Riverside Theatre.

now fundraising for our live capture with indiegogo THROUGH oCTOBER 8TH, 2024!


Audience takeaways



Every single human being in the audience and on this planet want the same things: to be seen, to be heard, to be loved, to be accepted. For all of you reading this, whether you are a student, a parent, a professional, a dreamer, or someone who just stumbled upon us: our hope is for you to leave the theatre feeling more connected to humanity. After all, if we don’t share, how can we truly care?

This is Momma & Me.

This is for you.